• Post Two Creekan lowland forest in the Green Bay area
• Lake Oshkosh shoreline transition
James Clark collected and documented this site in summer 2011. The wood was discovered during a Highway 41 construction project near Lake Butte Des Morts and a county archaeologist called for assessment of the origin of wood. A 167-year tree-ring chronology of larch from the best 9 specimens was dated with radiocarbon at ca. 13,290 and 13,080 Cal Yrs BP. The dating indicates post-Two Creekan age of the wood. This site is probably a larch-dominant stand re-colonizing the shorelines of proglacial Lake Oshkosh that existed in this part of Wisconsin until 12,800 BP. The site tree-ring chronology has been overlaped with another larch tree-ring record nearby (see plot below).