• Mid Holocene lowland forest
• Nipissing transgression in the northern Lake Huron Basin
This forest bed is located at the bottom of Thunder Bay in ten meters of water. Larch stumps are dated ca. 7850-8020 Cal Yrs BP. The site provides evidence on shoreline position of Lake Huron during the onset of the Nipissing transgression in the northern Lake Huron Basin.
• Mid Holocene drown forest in Lake Huron
• Nipissing transgression in the southern Lake Huron Basin
• Older Dryas (Two Creekan type locality) woodland in the Lake Huron area
• Pre-Clovis mastodon hunters
• Younger Dryas wetlands from Calumet County, WI • Late Holocene charcoal record of amplified aridity ca. AD 1290 Abundant deposition of plant macrofossils was found in pond sediment and peat exposed at a farm-pond on the Schneider Farm, Calumet Co., east-central Wisconsin (Photo). Stratigraphy of a 15-m section yields the Holocene history of this area starting from a basal till unit dated ca. 14,000 years ago (Chilton Member till). Over 180 specimens of wood were collected in 2005 along with charcoal from the 2 m topsoil gyttja underlying brown clay.
- Mid Holocene lowland forest in southeastern Michigan
- The Nipissing Lake transgression
Samples from Outagamie County, WI, provided by Prof. Bill Mode of UW-Oshkosh.
• Mid Holocene drowned forest in Lake Huron
• Nipissing transgression in the southern Lake Huron Basin
This is another a Mid Holocene drowned forest bed in the southern Lake Huron located a few miles offshore of Lexington Township, MI. We have only one specimen analyzed from the site sampled with the help of deep-water divers led by Captain Luke Clyburn. It was a pine stump with 98 tree rings. Most likely, this site is similar to the Mid Holocene drown forest at Sanilac site (TBDH/SFDH) located in the vicinity.
• Post Two Creekan lowland forest in the Green Bay area
• Lake Oshkosh shoreline transition
• Younger Dryas lowland forest in central Wisconsin