

The site is located on the banks of Salt River in Logan Co., IL. Two pieces of wood were collected by D. Campbell and C. Widga at the exposure of a peat layer associated with the finding of mastodon bones a few year earlier. The speciemns had very few rings to be crossdated. However, potentially this location holds more wood finds.  


Samples collected from the Old Bridge site along the Nemaha River in eastern Nebraska with Prof. Art Bettis (Univ Iowa) in June 2004. Samples are likely from the lower unit, the Early Gunder Member.


• Mid Holocene riparian forest

• Younger Dryas riparian forest

• No-analog vegetation from central Illinois


• Climate tree-ring proxies near Preboreal/Late Younger Dryas transition, from Upper Peninsula, Michigan


• Holocene riparian forest at the Oneida watershed, NY

• Records of extreme flooding at Fish Creek, NY

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